British Values Policy Statement
Promoting British values is an integral part of our school culture, in order to ensure that the children leave our care prepared for life in modern Britain.
The DFE guidance (Nov 2014) which states that “All have a duty to ‘actively promote’ the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.” was originally set out in the Government’s “Prevent” strategy in 2011.
The following is a statement of how Brockton CE Primary School communicates these values in practice.
- Teamwork is modelled by staff and constantly and consistently encouraged in the children. Every member is of equal importance, whatever their contribution; every voice is heard; and every opinion valued.
- All children are encouraged to share their opinions through class based discussions and via peer-elected School Councillors.
- Our Behaviour Policy proactively rewards considerate and collaborate action – whether in class, on the playground around the school and in the local community.
- PSHE teaching at an age-appropriate level covers material on the strengths, advantages and disadvantages of democracy, and how democracy and the law work in Britain.
- The curriculum design takes account of opportunities to teach the children the rules of debate linked to related topics and at times such as general or local elections, to hold mock elections.
- Our Christian School Values encourage the children to be confident in discussing and defending their points of view, in an appropriate manner.
- Opportunities in Collective Worship, reflection and the curriculum are utilised to instil in every child the knowledge that however small they are, they have the ability to make a difference – and they DO.
- Each British Value is used as a focus linked to our Christian Values on a half-termly basis and interwoven throughout the curriculum.
The Rule of Law:
- The importance of Laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school or the country are consistently reinforced throughout the school day, when dealing with behaviour issues and during school assemblies. Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken.
- In school, our rules are very simple and centre upon the Christian values of LOVE, COMMUNITY and RESPECT
- The importance of ‘laws’ to govern the class, school or country are upheld as important, reinforced daily in the general running of the school as well as in behaviour management.
- The values and reasons behind the laws, as well as the ways in which they govern and protect us, are made apparent.
- Visits from people in authority reinforce the need for rules e.g. Fire Service, PCSO, School Nurse and School Governors.
- The Rule of Law is reflected in our Christian Values of LOVE, COMMUNITY, RESPECT and JUSTICE
Individual Liberty:
- Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advised on how to exercise these safely.
- Online Safety and PSHE lessons encourage children to learn about their rights and personal freedoms, how to exercise them safely and for the benefit of themselves and other people.
- Curriculum planning offers the children the chance to contribute to their own learning and make choices about how their learning proceeds.
- A wide range of extra-curricular activities offer our pupils the chance to challenge themselves whilst supporting them to develop their skills and talents in a range of areas.
- Making the right choices and being forgiven and supported to try again when they make the wrong ones, underpins our behaviour management policy and strategies.
- Our school works with the local community and offers pupils the chance to ‘get involved’ with local events, visits and projects. This helps to raise their awareness of issues and needs within the community to which they belong.
- Pupils are encouraged to evaluate the society in which they live and to make the informed, independent choices of good citizens
- Individual liberty links to our School Christian Values of LOVE, COMMUNITY, RESPECT and COMPASSION
Mutual Respect:
Our school ethos and behaviour policy revolves around core values such as 'Respect', and pupils are immersed into practising this daily at class level and as a whole school. Every aspect of our school is based on a foundation of mutual respect.
- All staff treat each other and the children in our care with respect.
- We respect and value one another’s person, property and opinions, regardless of whether they are different to our own.
- Respect underpins every aspect of our classroom and school rules, as well as our Behaviour policy.
- Mutual respect links to our Christian School Values of LOVE, COMMUNITY, PATIENCE FORGIVENESS and RESPECT.
Tolerance of Those of Different Faiths and Beliefs:
This is achieved through enhancing pupil's awareness and knowledge of their place in a culturally diverse society and by giving them opportunities to experience this diversity. Children from all faiths or none are welcome in our school and encouraged to share their knowledge to enhance learning within their class and across the whole school. As a Christian school, we recognise that all humanity was created by God and is loved by Him. We should therefore love our fellow man and be tolerant of those different to ourselves. This is the message that underpins the work of our school family.
- RE teaching includes a major focus on other faiths. In school alongside Christianity we teach about Judaism, Hinduism and Islam as well as incorporating any other faiths followed by children at individual class level.
- Collective Worship and PSHE encourages discussions around prejudices and prejudice-based bullying.
- Through relevant curriculum opportunities and collective worship, we teach our pupils about tolerance and how to build their own opinions whilst respecting those of other people.
- Representatives of different faiths and religions visit our school and share their experience in open and respectful discussion which enhances both knowledge and understanding.
- Educational visits to our own and contrasting places of worship are actively encouraged.
- Resource collections –books, DVDs and artefacts –are kept for the six major religions practised in Britain.
- We celebrate significant days linked to a range of cultures as well as remembering significant days in British history, e.g. Remembrance Day.