The Edge Schools’ Federation

Breakfast Club

A social time, with a breakfast snack and activities enjoyed by pupils of all ages from Reception to Year 6.

Open from 7:45am every day.

£5.25 per session.

Places must be booked in advance on Schoolmoney.

Breakfast club with no places booked 24 hours in advance will be cancelled.




After School Activities

Football Club for all pupils from YR to Y6 :

Mondays 3:30-4:30pm £5.25

JAM (Jesus and Me) Club for all pupils from YR to Y6

Tuesdays 3:30-4:15pm £3.00

Explore Bible stories through games, songs and crafts

After School Club for all pupils from YR to Y6

Wednesdays 3:30-4:30pm £5.25

Spring term focus on singing together

Please book places for After school activities in advance on Schoolmoney.

Clubs with no places booked 24 hours in advance will be cancelled.