Mission Statement
‘Brockton provides a vibrant, exciting, caring, happy school community where children are taught in a positive, nurturing, challenging and Christian environment in order to develop into enthusiastic, independent learners who make the transition to Secondary education with confidence and ease’
- to provide all pupils with an education, opportunities and an environment that allows them to be the best they can be and make the most of the talents they have been given.
- to give excellent and inspiring lessons that motivate all pupils so that they can enjoy and achieve.
- to surround children with a vibrant, exciting and safe learning environment.
to ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to experience first-hand and have the chance to see and take part in activities outside the classroom.
- to encourage children to do their best and take pride in their work.
- to nurture enthusiasm and a desire for learning.
- to cultivate a Christian and caring school ethos.
- to use a rich variety of resources and ICT to effectively support learning.
- to communicate openly and effectively with parents and partners.
Spiritual and reflective
‘And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him’(Romans 8:28)
As a school we want to develop the whole child which means their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. We can do this by:
- providing teaching opportunities to learn about themselves, others and the world around them, including the intangible
- appreciating and taking into account other people’s preferences
- enabling children to use their creativity and imagination in their learning
- supporting children to reflect on their experiences
Working together
‘The Lord appointed seventy-two others and sent them on ahead of him, two by two’ (Luke 10:1)
Brockton Church of England Primary School is an integral part of the local community. Together we can do more than we can individually. We can support each other, share ideas and solve problems by:
- working as a team
- sharing good practice with each other and the local networks/partnerships
- finding ways to involve parents/carers and the wider community
- making positive changes and being innovative
Caring and respectful
‘In everything do to others as you would have them do to you: for this is the Law and the Prophets’(Matthew 7:12)
Some of our values are about how we treat each other. You can show you care for others and give people respect by:
- listening actively to what they say
- showing respect for differences and opinions
- being honest
- respecting confidentiality
- taking an active stance against bullying and discrimination
Life long learning
‘Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths’(Psalm 25:4)
As a school we want to encourage everyone to keep developing and learning. We can show our commitment to this by:
- offering high quality learning experiences in all areas of the curriculum for all pupils
- offering additional support to enable pupils with special needs to reach their potential
- giving consistent messages of high expectations to all in the school community
- enabling and supporting staff in their continued professional development
- sharing facilities with the local community especially parents and carers
Taking responsibility
‘So then each one of us will give an account of ourself to God’(Romans 14:12)
We acknowledge our responsibilities and acknowledge the responsibilities of others by:
- being honest
- respecting confidentiality
- including everyone at the earliest stage possible in the decision making process
- subscribing to the school’s vision and the part we play in realising that vision
- being excellent role models
Celebrating Individuality
‘I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb’(Jeremiah 1:5)
- Inspiring, engaging and motivating our pupils is something we value highly at Brockton Church of England Primary.
- We do this by:
- giving praise and encouragement when deserved
- using activities that inspire, challenge and extend pupils
- offering an engaging curriculum which enables individuals to develop their unique potential
- developing a willingness to participate in artistic, musical, sporting, mathematical, technological, scientific and cultural opportunities