The Edge Schools’ Federation

The following pages contain general information for each class at Brockton CofE Primary School 

Welcome to Robin Class 

Class 1 are Reception and Year 1. Our teacher is Mrs Lockley, and our Teaching Assistants are Miss Martin and Mrs Pitt. The Brockton Nursery runs alongside Class 1 allowing children to gently grow into school life amongst friendly faces in a familiar setting. We believe that a happy beginning to school life is crucial - it is the job of Class 1 to ensure every child, whatever their unique personality and needs, enjoys a positive start to school. In Class 1 we aim to nurture a love of learning and discovery that will last a lifetime. Class 1 are passionate about books and love reading: many of our activities and lessons are inspired by our reading books. Class 1 enjoy art and being creative and we also spend lots of time outdoors. We are extremely lucky to have an outdoors area just for Class 1 and extensive school grounds beyond where our children can begin to prepare for the adventures to come!

Autumn Term 23 Overview 

Spring Term 23 1st half Topic Web Download

Spring Term 23  2nd Half Topic Web Download




Welcome to Red Kites 

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to a new school year and a new class. The Red Kites are settling in well and I am enjoying hearing all their summer news.

I am so lucky to have the support and the expertise of Mrs Wright and Mrs Williams

This year we are lucky to have Miss Martin teaching the class on a Thursday whilst I am fulfilling my SENCO role across the federation. Miss Martin is excited to begin her teaching career with us and has some lovely activities planned.

Please see the attached subject planner for areas of the curriculum we are covering for the Autumn term.

Autumn Term Topic Web 

Important days/dates

Monday Swimming/Sports Hall @WB- Y5/6 (till half term then swop with Y3/4)

PE Y3/4

Please can you ensure your child has their PE kit in school on Monday through to Friday to change into please.


Homework-Your child will be bringing their spellings home to learn. Please can you ensure they do as this helps with their spelling lessons in school. Bring the homework book back every Thursday please.

Also, they will be working towards winning a weekly trophy for their performance on TTRS. TTRS is an online times tables programme that the children began last year.

They could win the trophy for speed; answers correct or times they have played during the week. The trophy will come home with your child for a weekend and then be brought back to school.

Please also hear your child read as much as you can. It is important to develop their comprehension skills that are so important as they progress with their education. Remember 5 times heard read means housepoints /raffle tickets!

Any questions, please either see me on the playground or for a more formal meeting please contact the office to arrange a time.

I hope we can count on your continued support!


Mrs Cowper, Miss Martin, Mrs Williams and Mrs Wright